Saturday, October 28, 2023

Surname Sunday: Festevan and All Its Variations

Exploring the Surname: FESTEVAN

The surname FESTEVAN has intrigued me for quite some time, primarily because of its diverse spellings. It's fascinating how one surname can have so many variations! Delving into my family tree, I discovered that my ancestor, John W. Festevan, belongs to my paternal grandmother's lineage.

John W. Festevan claimed Holland as his birthplace. While tracing his journey, I (and other family genealogists) found records of him residing in Mississippi and eventually passing away in Louisiana. The puzzle deepens when we explore his place of birth. A significant number of genealogical trees on Ancestry pinpoint his birthplace as "Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands". However, I have reservations about this information.

Upon further research, I came across an insightful post by renowned Dutch Genealogist, Yvette Hoitink, CG®, QG™. She sheds light on the often-cited location "Reusel, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands" that frequently appears in many family trees. Drawing from her expertise, I've gained a new perspective, leading me to question the widely accepted birthplace of John. The link to her article is here at Dutch Genealogy.

A glimpse of John's life

Below is a chart that gives us a look at John’s life, and some of the spellings used in documents or records relating to his life and transactions.




John W. Festevan

Alternate Spellings

John W. Festeband, J. Festerbaur, Festervan, Festervand, John Fosterbeen, Festabund

Birth Year

Around 1798 (discrepancies suggest possibly 1818)




*1840: Madison, Mississippi

*1841: Township, Madison County, Mississippi

*1850: Township 19 Ward 4, Claiborne, Louisiana

*1860: Wiseville, Claiborne, Louisiana

Death Date

Probably after April 2, 1860


Nancy Wills (30 Aug 1836, Madison County, Mississippi)


Andrew Jackson Festevan, Benjamin Franklin Festevan, Lucy J. Festevan, Marcella A. Festevan, Martha Ann Festervan, David Simmons Festevan


September 18, 1856 in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana

Testifying Persons

Henry Dyer, Joseph D. Long (neighbor in 1850 census)

Land Record

April 2, 1860, in Webster, Land District: Natchitoches, Louisiana

Citizenship Oath Details

Claimed to be a native subject of King William IV of Holland

Piecing together John's genealogical puzzle

As we delve into the intricate history of John's life, it becomes evident from our genealogical chart that there are significant gaps. Two primary pieces of the puzzle remain elusive: the circumstances of John's birth and the identities of his parents. Despite our extensive research, records that could shed light on these mysteries are yet to be discovered. This is where modern science steps in - we're turning to DNA testing to help fill these gaps.


Our collaborative team of genealogy researchers is keen on employing Y-DNA testing, which can trace the direct male lineage. Specifically, we're seeking a male Festevan, who descends directly from one of John W. Festevan's sons, to participate in this test.


At the moment, Family Tree DNA is offering their testing services at a discounted rate. If you, or someone in your family, fit the criteria and are interested in participating, we would love to hear from you. Your contribution could be instrumental in unlocking the secrets of John's ancestral lineage.

Stay tuned as I continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding the FESTEVAN lineage!

- Revis 



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Reminiscing about old times

    A few mornings ago southwest Texas was seeing a little rain. It reminded me of days I'd spent many years ago in the Texas Hill country scrapbooking with friends. 

     Photos are what started my genealogy journey in 1996. My maternal grand-momie had lots of old family photos she'd been given after she'd lost everything in two house fires. 

     Many of the photos were labeled with names. THANK YOU, Grand-momie! Names of people I never heard of. 

     That's all I needed to start my scrapbooking and genealogy journey. I'm happy to say many of those un-named photos now have names. 

     I continued "scrapping" with my friends until about 10 years ago. I miss those days. Some friends have passed on. Some I see in my town. Some I stay in contact with through social media.

     Below is one of my favorite groups in Round Top, Texas in 2009. 

    Are you a scrapbooker-genealogist? Let me know if you scrapbook your genealogy journey.

    - Revis